We offer real estate consulting and brokerage services to the Bay Area, as well as expert witness services in real property disputes. Think of us as your residential investment property experts, optimizing value for buyers and sellers of rental housing, property owners, developers and attorneys.
At Edrington & Associates, we solve challenges for property owners, attorneys, buyers/sellers of rental housing, and those adding or legalizing accessory dwelling units through the Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) zoning process; navigate local jurisdictions’ Building Code regulations, requirements, and compliance; and provide highly credible property management expert witness services in real property disputes.
Maximizing value and solving challenges for property owners, attorneys, developers, and buyers/sellers of rental housing. We help our clients with buying and selling property, adding and legalizing units, navigating their local jurisdictions, and also provide expert witness services in real property disputes.
Offering consulting and expert witness testimony regarding rent increases in rent controlled jurisdictions, eviction control, wrongful eviction, habitability issues, and standard of care. We are specialists in accessory dwelling units (ADUs), condominium conversions, code enforcement, and investment brokerage.