Ad Advance - PPC Agency
Ad Advance
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Don’t outspend your competition.

Outsmart them. We work with established brands who are looking for a more tailored and sophisticated approach to push their advertising to the next level

Why brands usually

turn to Ad Advance They are disappointed that the service sold to them by their current advertising partner is not producing the results they need


They are worried that they are being left behind by their competition

They are frustrated that sales are not increasing at the rate they had expected

They feel overwhelmed by the task of managing Amazon advertising in-house and don’t have the capacity to stay on top of the newest offerings and trends

They find it more challenging to be profitable due to increasing costs of advertising and shrinking margins

Finding a great partner for advertising in a crazy space like Amazon is really difficult Lots of agencies promise results but rarely deliver What separates Ad Advance is the attention to detail that delivers results I also learn something new about how the engagement works and why at every turn Working with a highly competent team is truly refreshing Highly recommended

Demand-Side Platform ads allow you to utilize Amazon’s immense library of first-party data to target a hyper-specific audience

DSP is an underutilized opportunity for brands who have a solid Sponsored Ads foundation and are looking for their next move to set themselves apart

We manage a full suite of Sponsored Ads including Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, Sponsored Brands Video and Sponsored Display

Increase exposure of your brand on multiple channels while tracking sales through these non-Amazon touch points Amazon attribution is perfect for brands with a more expansive digital strategy who want to understand how their efforts are contributing to their success on Amazon

We’ll never try to make you fit into a mold.

In fact, we don’t even use them. We harness our deep understanding of the marketplace along with our intuition and technology to completely customize our approach specific to your needs and objectives

Our software allows us to implement new features faster than anyone else in the space You can sleep well at night knowing you’re one step ahead of your competition

Our approach is different for every client we work with We develop a support system, strategies and reporting to meet your unique goals and visibility requirements


Because one of our core values is being transparent, you can expect we’ll give you direct feedback with your best interest in mind, so you never miss out on opportunities Most Amazon advertising options fall into two categories: the traditional agency utilizing mostly manual management or software automation services At Ad Advance you get the best of both worlds We take a hybrid approach, personally guiding the pieces that require human instinct and letting our tech take the automation

Unlike most agencies out there, all of our Account Executives work in-house out of our home office in Duluth, MN This allows us to be constantly collaborating on advanced strategies for our clients and always have a well-rounded approach stemming from a variety of unique backgrounds and skillsets

You’ve wasted enough time.


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