webPromo.Expert - IT Service Providers
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Since 2012, more than 6,000 people have become students of the Academy, including representatives of METRO, Ukrposhta, Farmak, Johnson & Johnson, Kyivstar and other leaders in their niches.

Today we are useful and are not going to stop there:

  1. Entrepreneurs and business owners:
    We have developed the habit of having at least basic knowledge in Internet marketing in order to build an online strategy.
  2. Beginners:
    Already they see that due to regular education, professional and career growth in Internet marketing is possible.
  3. Experienced specialists:
    They are constantly improving their skills and mastering new niches of online marketing, for them, training is already the law.

Skills and Features

E-Commerce Development

Digital Marketing

Search Engine Optimization

+38 067 226 84 22
Count Viewed: 38645
Technical Skills