Warranty Master - IT Service Providers
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Warranty Master is a market-leading software-as-a-service (SaaS). Our success is no accident: We allow IT pros to manage their assets'​ warranty data to run their business more efficiently. Our customers report impressive efficiency gains - we make their businesses more profitable. That compelling ROI argument is why we've organically developed a global following, frequently landing ourselves in the conversations at every IT industry event.

We're hiring developers in #Montreal! We're looking for motivated individuals (any level of experience) to join our freakishly agile group in this fast-growing business. Definitely don't be shy to reach out to us if you're ready to turn your career up to 11. Click on our careers page for more detail!

Skills and Features

IT Services

E-Commerce Development

CanadaeCommerceCloudIoTSaaSIT Solution
+1 604-670-1550
Count Viewed: 32281