adviqo GmbH - IT Service Providers
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Some of the milestones of the adviqo group in Berlin include the launch of digital counseling platforms, mobile apps for spiritual advice and life coaching, vivarium's customer periodical meinGlück and Zukunftsblick, the monthly magazine. The company also has its own television channel AstroTV and runs an array of international websites and product roll-outs including content services for horoscopes.

2018 | adviqo expands its digital offerings by rolling-out its vivarium as well as their full-service app for their psychics and coaches. AstroTV is available via live streaming, AppleTV, fireTV, Android TV and Google SmartTV.

Skills and Features

iOS App

IT Services





E-Commerce Development


Digital Marketing

eCommerceUI/UX DesignSEOGermanyiPhoneSEM