Wolters Kluwer ADDISON-Software - IT Service Providers
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Wolters Kluwer: Number one worldwide in software and services for the area of ​​taxes and accounting. Wolters Kluwer Software and Service GmbH is a leading provider of software for tax consultants, auditors, medium-sized and craft companies in Germany. The ADDISON software and the other product lines AKTE and SBS software offer innovative solutions for finance, accounting, human resources and controlling as well as law firm organizations. Over 20,000 customers, including over 6,000 tax consultancy firms, work with the software solutions today and are looked after by around 500 employees of Wolters Kluwer Software and Service GmbH at 20 locations in Germany.

Skills and Features

IT Services

Software Development

Software TestingGermanyIT Solution
+49 07141 914-0
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