Prospeum GmbH - IT Service Providers
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Simply said: We make strategic services sourcing as easy child’s play without any year-long integrations.

We do so by rethinking and overcoming existing barriers and inefficiencies within the strategic sourcing process. Prospeum eliminates the existing RFP process and tabular supplier evaluations. We help you to rethink services sourcing by establishing automated end-to-end approaches with an integrated global network, so you can increase speed, quality and innovativeness of your sourcing events equally strong.

The Prospeum platform is based on our Superfluid Procurement concept and offers a one-stop-shop where you can find the right suppliers, appoint them transparently and monitor them steadily afterward.

Our global network approach enables collaboration and know-how transfer beyond corporate borders, intuitive user experience and supports you to meet the highest quality demands.

Skills and Features

IT Services

Software Development

eCommerceGermanyArtificial Intelligence - AIIT Solution
+49 1525 4369 218
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