
blueshyft is an Australian based technology provider, allowing customers to make over the counter payments for a range of online services. We provide online businesses access to a national retail network of 1,400+ stores around Australia via a cutting edge iOS platform. The blueshyft point of sale app runs on an easy to use iPad & is installed in all blueshyft retail locations.

The blueshyft network allows customers to:
• Load digital wallets
• Credit online accounts
• Pay bills
• Pay for online orders
• Purchase or redeem gift cards

In addition to cash deposits, the blueshyft platform also offers a growing suite of diverse services including:
• Logistics
• Acquisition
• Activation
• Retail

Our goal is to revolutionize the largest retail network in Australia and bring the convenience of brick and mortar retail to digital businesses. With deep local and retail experience, our network offers unparalleled reach.

Skills and Features

IT Services

Software Development

Blockchain Development

+61 1800 817 483
Count Viewed: 42152
Technical Skills