Agilium Labs - IT Service Providers
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Professional-grade SaaS, mobile applications, chatbots, AI-enabled, blockchain apps && cloud infrastructures

We are a good fit for technically complex projects.

Key reasons to use our services:

  1. Reduced cost of ownership, because:

    • we stick to best practices and exceptional code quality so that software we develop is easy to maintain and modify
    • we follow a professional software development process aimed at quality to reduce the number of defects
    • we use self-healing cloud infrastructures and application monitoring to reduce the number of production incidents
  2. The software did in time, because:

    • we use an agile approach to deliver the most valuable features first
    • we have a healthy team size so that we can allocate extra qualified resources to your project when needed
  3. Our work is transparent, because:

    • we conduct weekly demos of our progress
    • our communications are honest and open
    • we provide customers with direct access to project management tools and materials to help them understand our work better
    • we track working time detailed up to each task, precisely up to a minute
  4. Our services cost less, savings are up to 50%. This is because we hire best specialists from affordable locations, without sacrificing on skills or experience.

Extra bonuses:

  • free project management
  • zero-risk no-obligation trial week available

Our company consists of a few highly-specialized teams:

  • chatbot & voice applications
  • AI-enabled applications
  • SaaS applications
  • mobile applications
  • cloud infrastructures
  • blockchain applications

Extra services offered:

  • project management
  • system analysis
  • QA
  • UI/UX

Skills and Features

Web Development

IT Services


Web Design


iOS App

UI/UX DesignCloudRussiaSaaSPaaSArtificial Intelligence - AIVOIP