WebPixel Technologie - IT Service Providers
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WebPixel Technologies was founded in the year 2009 by Riddhi Sharma and Ripul Sharma with vision, “To provide quality solutions and innovations beyond imaginations”. We work hard as being the best technology partner to provide high-quality cost-effective services to clients and those businesses who want to maximize their ROI and REACH by harnessing the unlimited power of information technology.

Today we have a dedicated team of over 50+ highly qualified professionals operating from our facilities in India. We have sustained a growth rate of 160% annually fueled by the high delivery standards we maintain and pride in. Within a time-span of just 9 years, we have successfully delivered over 600+ projects to clients worldwide.

At WebPixel Technologies, we believe our responsibilities extend beyond business. We are committed to helping our clients to bring their web and mobile app development solutions to stand-up to a competitive market while reducing overall development costs.

Skills and Features

iOS App

Search Engine Optimization

Web Development





E-Commerce Development

Mobile App Development


IndiaeCommerceUI/UX DesignSEOiPhoneSEM