Snapview GmbH - IT Service Providers
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Do you sell products and services that require explanation and advise your customers online or by phone? Snapview supports you in digitizing your sales and consulting processes: from making contact via your website and coordinating appointments, through personal advice with live video transmission, screen sharing, and co-browsing, to the digital conclusion of a contract with an electronic signature.

The sale of products requiring explanation needs experts to advise customers personally. In addition to the hard facts about the product, the soft factors play an important role in building trust between the consultant and the customer. With live video advice of the highest quality, we create emotional closeness between customers and consultants. Our screen-sharing technology enables the consultant to present any documents and applications.

Operation is simple and intuitive for customers and consultants. The customer enters the consultation room via his browser - without downloading software or plugins. Strong encryption ensures security and confidentiality at all times.

With Snapview you increase your graduation rates, shorten the time to complete, inspire your customers with personal support on the Internet, reduce the number of appointments on-site, increase customer satisfaction and improve customer loyalty.

Skills and Features

iOS App

Web Development



E-Commerce Development

Mobile App Development

Web Design





React Native

Asp.NeteCommerceUI/UX DesignGermany