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Understanding how to serve your customers is easy when they’re standing right in front of you. Not all businesses today have that luxury. In an online world, you can’t ask every customer what they’re looking for. In fact, you can’t even see who your customers are. That’s why so many businesses collect and use personal data. It helps them figure out who’s who and provide a service that’s tailormade. But it comes at a cost—privacy, security, and most important of all, customer trust.

In 2017, we started to prove that companies can provide their customers with experiences that are useful and personally relevant without violating their privacy. We use signals, not personal data, to accurately anticipate and fulfill customer needs, ensuring their privacy and trust are always secure. We believe that artificial intelligence has the potential to unlock a new way of connecting and doing business online, one that’s more human and more in line with what customers have come to expect offline.

Skills and Features

IT Services

Software Development

E-Commerce Development

CanadaeCommerceSaaSArtificial Intelligence - AIMachine Learning