Improved Apps - IT Service Providers
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We revolutionize the way people engage with information and make it useful. Improved Apps is the creator of the first User Engagement Layer, which is the missing link between how people use applications today and how they will use them in the future. The User Engagement Layer allows companies to:

  • Innovate with agility to support the desired pace of the business
  • Onboard users quicker and engage users better, capturing contextual feedback for continuous improvement
  • Streamline a consistent user experience.

The 'User Engagement Layer'​ is a powerful approach to deliver digital content with minimal disruption and a faster return on investment. Improved Apps continues to lead the market today, with more and more Fortune 500
businesses using the user engagement layer.

Increase sales, predictability & productivity whilst optimizing costs. Drive business transformation through improved…

  • Sales Management: share winning methods to increase effectiveness & raise your whole team's game
  • Customer Service: deliver best-in-class support to increase satisfaction, retention & growth
  • Compliance & Governance: Drive awareness and continuous improvement among employees & partners
  • Learning & Development: Increase proficiency, confidence & agility at individual & team levels

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Skills and Features

Web Development


IT Services




Web Design




React Native

Asp.NetReactUnited KingdomeCommerceUI/UX Design