GoodsTag GmbH - IT Service Providers
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GoodsTag enables brands and manufacturers to guarantee authentic products, create unique digital product experiences and personalize the product-customer relationship.

At GoodsTag, we believe that physical products gain value when they become truly unique items and are connected with personalized digital services. With our solution, brands serialize their products, making each item unique and digitally connected. Consumers, retailers, and logistics partners are then empowered to interact with these unique physical items through any smartphone or IoT device, accessing a limitless pool of personalized digital mobile services.

GoodsTag’s Enterprise SaaS platform is used by brands to manage authenticity, digital services, and engagement along the entire life cycle of their products.

Skills and Features

Software Development


E-Commerce Development

Mobile App Development

iOS App

eCommerceGermanyIoTSaaSIT SolutionTracking Software