Ticketsolve - IT Service Providers
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Ticketsolve is a complete Box Office and Online Ticketing solution. The solution is a SaaS (Software as a Service) product that engages in the latest technologies. Our feature-rich and technological advanced solution is positioned well to address our potential clients' current needs.

We were born when a not-for-profit festival in Dublin asked us to help them out with their ticketing system. Not ones to turn down a challenge we threw ourselves in at the deep end. We soon realized that we could build Grade A software to facilitate ticketing, both online and at the box office. At the same time, we could do it without crippling service or license fees.

People liked what they saw and soon emails and phone calls flooded in from other events, venues and festivals who needed a simple but complete system. The market cried out and we answered. Now we enjoy relationships with clients across the events industry, include arts, sport, and leisure. The results speak for themselves.

Skills and Features

Web Development

IT Services

Software Development

Web Design

Digital Marketing

CloudMarketingSocial Media MarketingIrelandSaaSData Analysis