Island Labs GmbH - IT Service Providers
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Island Labs is a German B2B company with an international approach, specializing in the research and development of innovative business models aimed at creating an appealing and emotional customer experience. We see ourselves as true agents of innovation and transformation, distinguished by our ability to anticipate key technological trends and changes in society's behavior and to successfully apply these insights in the relevant markets. With our solutions, we increase the success of our customers. We develop and distribute award-winning technologies that change companies, work and ways of thinking. We accompany our customers throughout the entire process: from the vision to successful market launch.

As a think tank, we promote approaches from different directions in the development of our software and hardware products, using cutting-edge technologies such as mixed reality (MR), artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). Island Labs was launched in 2017 as a spin-off in Berlin on the island of Eiswerder. The first successful projects of Island Labs are the holographic, collaborative planning platform .rooms and the process-driven backend solution spark.

Skills and Features

Software Development

E-Commerce Development

UI/UX DesignGermanyArtificial Intelligence - AIMachine LearningIT Solution