Handles all of your stock, bond, ETF and mutual fund investments from all of your brokerages
Analyze your individual investments and your overall portfolio *EquityStat is a powerful yet easy to use investment portfolio application. It was developed by investors for investors. We found that the existing tools necessary to track, manage and financially evaluate investments were inadequate. The portfolio management tools with brokerage firms were too cumbersome, lacked useful features and were geared toward buying and selling stocks at the brokerage. Oth.
Web based portfolio management tool that you can view on any computer, tablet or smart phone Supports IRS tax reporting requirements
Simple yet powerful user interface
This is literally the best program I’ve ever used for tracking an entire portfolio, both stocks and dividends Other programs I’ve tried (and my brokerage) tracks individual stocks and dividends received, but does not show overall portfolio returns, annualized return, dividend income, cost basis with dividends and commissions, etc EquityStat does all of that and more, and presents it in a beautiful way that is easily understandable Mike Brentwood, California
This is truly fantastic software Your software gives me better information than my broker’s software It allows me to better evaluate my investments so I can make better informed decisions Doug Vacaville, California
Thanks for the wonderful service I tried several others and they were practically useless or wanted my broker passwords You know what you are doing and have done it correctly David San Francisco, California