Tyrannosaurus Tech - IT Service Providers
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Here at Tyrannosaurus Tech, we take our work (but not ourselves) very seriously. We set out to work hard and to do great work… but we also wanted to have a good time along the way and create a culture and a lifestyle that we could enjoy. So when the name Tyrannosaurus Tech popped into our heads, we said: “what the heck, let’s go for it!”
As a full-service software development agency rooted in Atlanta, GA, we provide innovative designers and top-tier developers to guarantee soup to nuts solutions for our clients. From customer discovery and user experience research and design to the implementation of design into full functioning software applications, our team is committed the highest-quality product. Solving complex problems, designing elegant solutions, and providing maximum ROI for our customers is done through our own proven, transparent, and collaborative agile process. By humanizing the process and clarifying the complex undertaking of bringing an idea to life we can show a clear path forward towards success and continued growth.

Skills and Features



E-Commerce Development

Mobile App Development




React Native

iOS App

United States of AmericaeCommerceUI/UX Design