Transform Solution - IT Service Providers
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TransForm was founded in 2002 with the goal of helping organizations around the world achieve efficiencies through business process outsourcing (BPO). Since then, we have evolved to provide a wide range of operations and back-office services for companies all over the world (including several Fortune 500) in industries as diverse as automotive, eCommerce, education, insurance, logistics, and real estate.

The TransForm Advantage: Customer satisfaction is of utmost importance to us and we take pride in delivering the highest quality services to each and every customer. With TransForm, you can be assured of:

A High Touch Approach: We focus on win-win relationships with our customers, taking a long term view of those relationships. Our experienced team which includes dedicated account managers is hands-on and works closely with customers providing 24/7 support to ensure successful outcomes all around. Our management team is accessible to all customers and works with them at a strategic level to enable their and TransForm’s long term growth.

TransForm’s high touch approach has resulted in 95% customer retention rate for the company with most of our 75+ customers (including several Fortune 500 ones) being part of our portfolio for the past 4-5 years.

Custom Solutions: TransForm’s ability to provide custom solutions for every customer is key to our business since each customer is not only unique but has its own unique set of requirements. With our engagement leads and account managers averaging 8 years of experience, and our experience delivering over 1,000 projects, TransForm incorporates best practices as well as utilizes the latest and most applicable technology tools to formulate customer solutions. We also offer flexible engagement models that fit those solutions and pilot projects as POCs. All these help minimize customers’ risk while ensuring easy process transitions.

Execution Excellence: In our quest to deliver the highest quality output for customers on-time and every time, TransForm has made significant investments in process and execution systems since our humble beginnings. Now our customers not only benefit from our extensive experience with over 1,000 projects and proven processes, but also from our world-class infrastructure and industry certifications including ISO 9001 for quality management and ISO 27001 for security. It’s no wonder that our customers consistently give us a customer satisfaction rating of 4.9 (out of 5) or higher.

Location Advantage: With our delivery center located in a lower cost location (Surat, India), customers are able to reap cost savings right off the bat and over the long run. For them, this means high-quality outcomes at competitive price points combined with 24/7 support whenever they need it. As Surat is also a Smart City, customers get the benefit of access to world-class infrastructure at a Tier 2 cost. In addition, TransForm is able to ensure a good, stable flow of human resources due to the location allowing quick and easy scalability for customers. Overall, TransForm’s customers can expect an average attrition rate of 15% (compared to 30-40% industry average) and average cost savings of 35%.

Skills and Features

Web Development

E-Commerce Development

Mobile App Development

United States of AmericaeCommerceFrontendBackend