
58% of R&D spending is directed at incremental innovation, while only 14% is used for breakthrough or disruptive innovations.

Incrementalism is fuelling the revenues of companies today. Companies are forgetting to look at how they can create revenues for the day after tomorrow. Sales data, panels, and surveys are square pegs in a world increasingly made of round holes. Incremental gains are a band-aid for a bullet wound - the very definition of shooting oneself in the foot.

At Spoonshot, we believe that exploration is the catalyst behind the novel and successful products, the very fuel to help you shape the future, to set the trend. To be a Trendsetter, we must first explore. And to explore, we must channel our inner inquisitive child.

Look at the root cause, start at the very beginning and build from first principles. We provide you with the tool for the creative spark behind your future successful new products, saving you time and money.

Skills and Features

Web Development

IT Services

Software Development



E-Commerce Development

Mobile App Development


IT Outsourcing

iOS App

IndiaeCommerceData Science