Robotic Eyes GmbH - IT Service Providers
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As Robotic Eyes founder, Dr. Wolfgang Walcher first tested an early prototype of the Microsoft HoloLens in a secret Microsoft research laboratory in 2014, it was immediately clear to him: This completely new way of interacting with computers will revolutionize our future.

Together with CTO Dr. Bernhard Reitinger, he began to develop a first software solution - the foundation for the innovative AR applications and digitization solutions from Robotic Eyes was laid.

On the way to market maturity and professional sales, CSO Dr. Josef Kauer on the company. He moved to Robotic Eyes after ten years at Microsoft to change the world with us.

Skills and Features

Software Development

E-Commerce Development

eCommerceAustriaAutomation Engineer
+43 (0) 316 232 212
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