ready2order - IT Service Providers
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ready2order was started as a hobby project with the main purpose to eliminate administrative overhead for entrepreneurs by providing a digital cash-register application.

There are countless small businesses out there that we rely on every day. The cool new coffee shop, the hairdresser I trust or the kebab shop around the corner. All of them are lovely people, with great ideas, who love to go the extra mile for their customers and their passion.

It is time to strengthen the small businesses and finally bring clarity into the jungle of self-employment, guidelines, and laws!

That is why we have to push the boundaries of the possibilities together. Because we do not accept that so many obstacles are put in the way of small businesses. Instead, we use smart software and thus take our fate into our own hands.

We are building a tool with experts from tax consulting, business, compliance and law, which enables small businesses to have the freedom to make their own decisions and to do what is important to them and what makes their company what it is.

Skills and Features

Web Development



E-Commerce Development

Mobile App Development





React Native

iOS App

AustriaeCommerceUI/UX DesignAsp.Net