NetResults Srl - IT Service Providers
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NetResults designs and deploys convergent communication networks for enterprises, service providers and telco operators.

This core business allows the company not only to offer services to enterprises but also to deploy products of the highest quality, guaranteed by the vast know-how available within our staff.

Our motto is “Communication Made Easy” which means make the technology invisible to the customers that should be able to do their job without stumbling upon technological obstacles. Users should, possibly, merge new functionalities with their current workflows so they will immediately be aware of their usefulness.

This means, on one hand, to develop new ICT infrastructures bearing in mind that end-user should not be an IT expert, on the other to maintain as much as it’s possible the “customer’s experience” when there is already infrastructure and there is a need for improvement or to extend it.

Skills and Features

Web Development

IT Services



Web Design

+39 050 3163658
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