
LitmusBlox gives you deep insights into candidates'​ capabilities and their true match for jobs you are hiring for. Our patent-pending "TrueFit Capability Ranking Engine"​ goes beyond resume screening and skill assessments. Each candidate’s capability is mapped from 50 to 150 checkpoints based on the role and experience level.

LitmuxBlox's engine automates the entire process. You simply select the role you are hiring for and upload potential candidates with their contact information - LitmusBlox does the rest. The AI-powered Engine manages communications and collects responses from each candidate, whether 10 or 10,000.

Every response is analyzed and mapped to the Capability Matrix along with the Litmus score. LitmusBlox's TrueFit Capability Matrix guides managers during the interview process to make informed hiring decisions.

Skills and Features

iOS App

Web Development



E-Commerce Development

Mobile App Development





React Native

IndiaeCommerceUI/UX DesignAsp.Net