Kira Systems - IT Service Providers
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Kira is a powerful, award-winning software that excels at searching and analyzing contract text. Kira offers pre-built, machine learning models covering due diligence, general commercial, corporate organization, real estate, and compliance. Using Kira Quick Study, anyone can train additional models that can accurately identify virtually any desired clause. Kira can be deployed on virtual data rooms and other large repositories of contracts, creating summary analyses within minutes.

Customers, who include some of the world's largest corporations and professional services firms, have trusted Kira on hundreds of billions of dollars of transactions to date. They also deploy Kira for knowledge management, contract search, analytics, and other use cases where visibility into contract provisions is critical.

Skills and Features

IT Services

Software Development

E-Commerce Development

+1 888 710 3454
Count Viewed: 29651
Technical Skills