
JustGiving is the world’s most trusted online giving platform. Our mission is to connect all of the world’s causes with people who care, from hyper-local community projects to major international charities.

There are more than 22 million people in 160 countries using JustGiving, and every day they use our platform to make a genuine impact on thousands of causes. Our technology allows anyone to become a powerful advocate for a cause they care about, through fundraising, giving and spreading the word.

Like most companies, JustGiving has a business model that allows us to grow rapidly and be financially self-sustaining, by charging a small fee to use our services. What makes us different is that our business is a technology for social good.

We’ve now been running for over 12 years, and we’ve re-invested every penny of our profits into achieving our goal. We believe that with this continuous investment in technology, we can dramatically improve the way people find causes to be passionate about and show the world they care about.

Skills and Features

Web Development

E-Commerce Development

Web Design

Digital Marketing

Search Engine Optimization

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