Industrial Logic, Inc. - IT Service Providers
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We are anzeneers. We protect people by engineering anzen ("safety"​ in Japanese), into workspaces and codebases, cultures and processes, products and services. Anzeneering leverages safety wisdom from manufacturing, psychology, culture change and Agile and Lean development. It’s our most effective method for helping protect people’s time, money, information, relationships, reputation, and health.

Our global staff consists of some of the most recognized agile and lean practitioners on the planet. They are passionate practitioners, coaches, teachers, developers, team builders, culture-changers, best-selling authors, sought-after speakers, and entrepreneurs. Our people continuously improve by questioning yesterday's solutions and discovering better ways to deliver results.

Skills and Features

IT Services


Software Development




E-Commerce Development


iOS App

CanadaeCommerceUI/UX DesigniPhoneAzure