Data & More ApS - IT Service Providers
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Today the steady flow of data binds our society together, builds relationships and saves lives. Data has become the bloodstream of the digital society and it is our shared responsibility to protect and respect it. Companies act both as creators and caretakers of data, and it is in these roles that we must strive for excellence. It is in our handling of data that we show our employees, customers, and society what we stand for. Do we want to follow the rules, get in control, become and stay compliant – or not? In the digital domain, ethics and actions have to be translated into rules and compliance. We can help you turn your corporate ethics on data into digital actions.

Data is our DNA. We have been working with data all our lives and gladly share our knowledge and experience helping others get in control with their data compliance – and get in control with your data.

Turning difficult and tedious tasks into automated actions. Saving time, while keeping an eye on your data and the level of data compliance. In short – Automated Data Compliance – that what we do best.

We started building a fantastic tool for Data Compliance. And we made it even better with input from our clients. Call it an ongoing symbiosis – but the result is nevertheless a data compliance toolbox made to fit perfectly in the GDPR puzzle. The missing piece to make the puzzle complete.

By choosing us, you don’t just get the best Data Compliance Toolbox on the market – you get an opportunity to be heard and affect the way Data Compliance should be handled.

Skills and Features

IT Services

E-Commerce Development

DenmarkArtificial Intelligence - AIBig DataData AnalyticsBusiness Intelligence