
Since our founding in 2001, most off-the-shelf DDI solutions haven’t changed at all. They still assume that network architectures look like they did 20 years ago – back when hybrid cloud, automation, virtualization, orchestration, DevOps, SD-WAN and IoT were business goals, not realities.

It means most of today’s enterprise networks have one critical weakness in common – a core foundation that will crack when it meets its complexity threshold, breaking every single technology layer above it.

That’s not our vision for the future of networking. We want to see businesses thriving on network complexity, not fearing or fighting it. We want to see them innovating again, instead of stagnating while their teams try to meet ever-increasing network demands.

Skills and Features

IT Services

Software Development

E-Commerce Development

United States of AmericaDevOpsCloudIoTNetwork SecurityData Security