
apheris AI was founded by Robin Röhm and Michael Höh with a shared dream of empowering companies to run analytics on decentralized datasets. Michael developed software infrastructure for distributed data during his Ph.D. at Forschungszentrum Jülich and his time at BCG. Robin has a background in algebraic theories for data linkage and data privacy and has experienced the complexity of centralizing sensitive personal healthcare data firsthand in one of his previous start-ups.

Through their work, they encountered barriers that limit progress within data-driven industries: data is often stored in silos and most companies work in closed data ecosystems. Therefore apheresis AI strives to connect the world’s data to extract better insights.

Skills and Features

IT Services

E-Commerce Development

eCommerceGermanyIoTArtificial Intelligence - AIMachine LearningIT SolutionDeep learning