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We are a full-stack serverless company aiming at providing holistic solutions to get you up and running with serverless!

Serverless Consulting:
Exploring Serverless? AntStack can help you with designing your business applications to embrace serverless stack, help you make architectural decisions keeping the cost in mind. We can also help implement the best practices of serverless computing.

Design, Develop & Deploy:
With a team of strong UI and backend developers, we build applications on serverless platforms. We work closely with clients to understand their technology and design needs. We take care of end to end application development starting from UX to deployment and even manage it.

Elevate and Transform:
Transform existing on-premise business applications to the serverless platform. Serverless is the gateway for the hybrid cloud. The serverless platform eliminates the legacy three tiers [compute, storage and network] and helps to focus only on the business application.

Skills and Features

Web Development





E-Commerce Development

Mobile App Development


iOS App

IndiaeCommerceUI/UX DesigniPhoneFull-stack