Xelera Communication AB - IT Service Providers
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What do you want your customers to know, know and do when they enter your site? Xelera builds websites in the versatile, user-friendly publishing tool Drupal and works with comprehensive web concepts. Web concept is an overall idea of how a company should be perceived, acted and communicated on the web to get the most out of its online presence.

Some of the web concepts we have developed are Gothenburg International Film Festival, Almondy, GSO Play (Gothenburg Symphonics), Folkteatern, Vehco, and Gothenburg Rescue Mission.

Under our roof, you will find everything from technicians and designers to copywriters and web strategists. Together, we form a knowledgeable and dedicated team that focuses as much on delivering first-class company sites as on nurturing customer relationships and keeping our customers updated with the latest in web concepts.

Skills and Features

Web Development

Software Development


CMS Development

Web Design

iOS App

Mobile PlatformsSwedeniPhoneDrupal CMS