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Our DataLab – Center, and Compound of Human and Artificial Intelligence. Data Analytics Powerhouse. Academy of the Future.

Every expedition, every idea must start from somewhere: a real, tangible place. For our quest to make the benefits of AI accessible to everyone, the DataLab serves as the nucleus, as home base and incentive.

Here, Europe’s biggest team of data scientists transform their knowledge of the individual case into a standardized, all-encompassing solution. Or let’s say: here’s where the artificial brain is fed. Here’s where the smartest AI platform X-4C comes to life.

Since its founding in 2017 by Cornelius Brosche, Dr. Prof. Reiner Kurzhals and FIEGE Logistic as a seed investor, our DataLab combines the agility and Inventive talent of a start-up with the experience of an established company. It is this groundwork that allows us to be innovative every day – and to make them so far unthinkable in dealing with AI possible.

Skills and Features

Software Development

E-Commerce Development

eCommerceIoTArtificial Intelligence - AIBig DataMachine LearningData Analytics