Tungsten Network - IT Service Providers
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At the heart of the global marketplace are the billions of transactions that happen every day. There are multiple human touch-points between Buyers and Suppliers — each of which cost time and the possibility of human error. Increasing demands for compliance bring ever more intricate regulation. In response, businesses today are searching for ways to streamline and become more agile.

Trusted, passionate and proven, Tungsten Network is making the digitization of commerce faster, easier and smarter between Buyers and Suppliers around the world.

Our network has built a community with over half the Fortune 500 and is easing the accounts payable process with higher visibility, greater insights, and unprecedented speed.

The future of the global marketplace is here.

Skills and Features

Web Development


IT Services



Web Design


iOS App

United KingdomeCommerceUI/UX DesignFull-stackCMSCSS