ThoughtWire - IT Service Providers
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ThoughtWire is on a mission to bring the built environment to life. By orchestrating data from people, processes, and the physical built environment ThoughtWire delivers smarter, safer and more efficient hospitals, commercial buildings, and cities. Our software applications put people first, whether, for clinicians, patients, office workers, or first responders, ThoughtWire puts people in control. Powered by Digital Twins, ThoughtWire’s applications for smart hospitals, smart buildings, and smart cities unlock the value of data generated from built environments by combining it with context from people, processes and IoT devices. Since 2009, ThoughtWire has been changing how we think about the interconnectivity of smart spaces, beginning with its Ambiant™ platform, developed to interconnect and orchestrate people, data, and things in real-time.

Skills and Features

Software Development

E-Commerce Development

CanadaSoftware TestingIoT
+1 647-351-9473
Count Viewed: 32494
Technical Skills