Team Internet AG - IT Service Providers
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Located in Munich, Germany, Team Internet is a leading provider of services in the direct navigation search market. Read about our story.

With an estimated market size of US, $1 billion per year direct navi­gation traffic has a 4.23% conversion-to-sale rate which significantly out­per­forms other traffic sources such as search engines (2.30%) and internet links (0.96%) 2. Direct navigation is the preferred way of users to locate a site for the first time 3 which makes this traffic source a prime vehicle for user acquisition.

Team Internet products currently reach more than 2 billion visitors per month.

Read more about our handcrafted core values, on which we decided to live/work on.

We build things we are proud of. That’s why our employees learn to master lots of technologies that we use in our Technology Stack – and sometimes even bring the big players to the limits of their capacities.

Skills and Features

Web Development



Mobile App Development


Web Design



React Native

iOS App

