Tagview Tecnologia - IT Service Providers
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Tagview Tecnologia is a company specialized in the development of Web solutions with agile technologies and methods.

Our goal is to offer complete solutions. That's why we started and we like to understand our clients' business well. We participate in strategic meetings to understand and collaborate with ideas for the design of solutions and / or products. In this phase, we use agile Lean and Scrum methods to map everything that really means "value" to the customer and to define the priorities to be delivered.

In the next stage, we work on two fronts. The first is working with our professionals, with more than 20 years of experience in IT, to develop the solution architecture. We decide on technologies, database, modeling, middleware, etc., always with the involvement of the entire team to arrive at the best possible architecture approved by all. The second front is the work with collaborators to elaborate the Creation, Design and Usability of the solution.

The next phase is the implementation phase, here we strongly use the good practices of the agile XP method (Extreme Programming) such as automated tests, pair-programming, refactoring and standardization of code, partial deliveries and others, which allows us to quickly deliver "pieces" Software for customers. We continue with Scrum "Sprints" until the end of all features.

Skills and Features

Web Development

IT Services



Web Design



iOS App

+55 (19) 3243-3441
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