Smart Forest - IT Service Providers
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We help Privates (B2C) with low/mid investing possibilities to save/invest money long-term/ zero-risk, by providing them an App/Marketplace where they can buy/sell bio-digital financial assets (“Smart Trees”, with NFT/Ethereum ERC-721 certificates). This asset will have high liquidity and profitability, it will be secured with 3 levels: timber, carbon-offset, collectible value.

We help Enterprises (B2B) that want to improve their business image, by offsetting their carbon emission, by buying and holding assets (“Smart Trees”) that we offer. It’s much more transparent, sustainable and efficient than today’s money lost on greenwashing/quotes buying.

Skills and Features

IT Services

Software Development

E-Commerce Development

eCommerceGermanyIoTDigital PaymentsIT SolutionPayment Solution