Pushologies Ltd - IT Service Providers
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Pushologies is the marriage of both, empowering content owners and marketers like never before.

Until now, businesses have had no option but to push notifications to consumers, now you can push your content and achieve instant direct engagement with your target audience.

Why would you still push notification when you can push the content itself? Videos, music, images, adverts or files. Anything you like. That is up to you. Direct engagement with your rich content.

Content is delivered directly to a customer’s mobile device ready to be accessed at any time. Media plays directly from the device, whether commuting to work on the underground or relaxing on a flight, your content is always available to your customer.

By the time your message appears on their screen, your content is already on your customer’s device.

Skills and Features

iOS App

Web Development





E-Commerce Development

Mobile App Development


Digital Marketing

SEMUnited KingdomeCommerceUI/UX DesignSEOiPhone