Pure IT Group AB - IT Service Providers
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Pure IT Group is active in systems development, integration, management, testing and IT architecture, and we help our customers to efficiently and "digitally" transform their operations in real-time.

Together is our keyword. We develop together with our clients. Through our technical expertise in harmony with industry knowledge in, for example, banking, finance, and insurance, public operations and games, we help our customers with more efficient processes and improved user experiences. We are constantly updated on what is waiting around the corner, what technology, tools or process is best for them, where together we can benefit from the technologies and trends that the future offers.

Pure IT Group was started seven years ago by experienced IT entrepreneurs and technical evangelists and has since grown organically, with quality over quantity, to now more than sixty experienced consultants with offices in four locations in Sweden.

The vision with the Company was from day one to establish an organization with the consultant at the very center, to be an employer with the most appealing assignments and clients, to offer the best conditions on the market and to have real fun together.

Skills and Features

Web Development

IT Services

Software Development


Web Design


Software TestingUI/UX DesignSweden