Pragmatic Software shpk - IT Service Providers
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Pragmatic Software was founded by a group of software developers in summer 2005 (under the name AESS Group) with the aim to create a professional software company in Albania.

Our focus is always customer-centric, trying to provide pragmatic, working solutions to the customer needs. We have years of experience in building high-quality products.

Our people have lead and/or participated successfully in tenths of projects from building off the shelf ERP packages to custom professional websites, from products used by several users to websites visited by millions of people. We believe that continuous learning is the only way to succeed in the software world.

We try hard to always be on the leading edge and invest continuously in improving our skills and processes. We are the first Microsoft Certified Partner company in the country, since April 2007 and one of the first companies to embrace agile methodologies and processes.

Skills and Features

Web Development

IT Services

Web Design


IT Outsourcing

iOS App
