OptimalBI Limited - IT Service Providers
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We do cool sh!t with data! Data is important.

So is knowing how to use it. To ensure you get the most out of your business and make as positive an impact as possible, you must first understand your business. The only way to effectively understand your business is with data. We are specialists at using data engineering to collect, data insights to understand and data ops to utilize data.

We can also teach you about what we do. Data Engineering is the art of building data pipelines. Extensive data prep, data wrangling, design, coding, and architecture are all key pieces to the data engineering puzzle. Sound engineering is the foundation of data utilization and ultimately, great business effectiveness. We use data insights to make information visible. The best information visibility comes through analytics, reporting, dashboards, infographics, and data storytelling.

A picture is worth a thousand words, after all. Once everything is up and running, data ops ensure it stays that way in order to deliver predictable, high-quality outcomes. To ensure this happens, we orchestrate, monitor, and manage systems while embracing and adapting to change.

Skills and Features

Web Development

IT Services

Software Development

Web Design

FrontendBackendNew ZealandSaaS
+64 21 573 452
Count Viewed: 42961
Technical Skills