Netmedia Europe NV - IT Service Providers
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Netmedia Europe helps retailers, brands, institutes… to gain more visibility, traffic, and insights through their leaflets, promotions, brochures, magazines…

We develop technology & software that contributes to greater relevance online.
Both nationally and internationally, tools & know-how are used by various parties. This ranges from our own customers to PAAS and SAAS partnerships.

The, & folders.EU platforms help retailers & brands to bring their leaflets, promotions… to the attention of the public online.

Interactive, dynamic magazines and real-time (price) adjustments contribute to increased relevance with a minimum of waste!

Looking for ways to get more traffic & fame via your folders & promotions? Feel like your folder is a ‘black box’ and want to get more insights?
The Netmedians have your back!

Skills and Features

Web Development

IT Services

Software Development


Mobile App Development

iOS App

Search Engine Optimization

Mobile PlatformsBelgiumSEOSaaSPaaS