MAIRDUMONT NETLETIX GmbH & Co. KG - IT Service Providers
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With more than 150 publishers, more than 16 million unique users and more than 300 digital offers, MAIRDUMONT NETLETIX is one of the leading operators of topic-specific content networks in German-speaking countries and is also a leading special-interest marketer for outdoor and travel environments.

Within a broad thematic spectrum - from travel and health to technology to entertainment - we offer holistic service and strong solutions for monetizing websites. In addition, we support publishers and cooperation partners with technological solutions. The bundling of marketing expertise and technology expertise enables us to offer customers and agencies attractive offers in a wide variety of special interest environments. In addition, we support publishers when necessary, both technologically and through strong cooperations and sales partnerships, in conjunction with holistic monetization solutions for their digital offerings.

Skills and Features

Web Development


Software Development

Mobile App Development

Web Design
