Interview Mocha - IT Service Providers
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Countless surveys have found employers complaining about how difficult it is to get the right candidate. Technological advancements have further shortened the skill matrix evolution span. Where this matrix once changed every 10 years, today it evolves on a yearly basis. Thus, matching the right candidate with the right job has become a huge challenge.

How do enterprises make sure they keep up with this advancement?
Interview Mocha is on a mission to help enterprises hire job-fit candidates faster. We offer the most comprehensive skills assessment solutions that tackle the aforementioned recruitment and upskilling challenges.

Interview Mocha’s Vision goes beyond addressing the current challenges ably. By 2030, it is estimated that 65% of the skills will be new, that do not exist today. We conduct in-depth market research to identify these needs and collaborate with respective domain experts to prepare the world’s largest and latest, quality skills assessment repository.

Skills and Features

Web Development


E-Commerce Development

Web Design



iOS App

United States of AmericaeCommerceUI/UX DesignSEOSEM