
We are a mobile app developer specializing in quality. We have the knowledge and knack that help bring your ideas to life, and the passion and experience that matter in the long run. If that's what you're looking for, welcome on board!

We won't tell you how many people use mobile devices today because that number will be outdated tomorrow. What we will tell you is that among those millions are your future, happy customers. With Holdapp, you will keep up with the pace of change on both iOS and Android. We develop games and edutainment apps for kids, enterprise solutions for brands and corporate clients, interactive portfolios, catalogs, and presentations. Projects big and small. Built with passion. Whatever you need, we're ready.

Skills and Features

iOS App

Web Development

Search Engine Optimization



E-Commerce Development

Mobile App Development

Web Design


Digital Marketing

iPhoneSocial Media MarketingSoftware TestingeCommerceUI/UX DesignPolandFrontendSEO