GeoSignage Sweden - IT Service Providers
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GeoSignage® is a Content Management System (CMS) for infotainment in public transport. Infotainment systems (displays/Digital Signage) can be used to give passengers traffic information, news, advertisements, and entertainment, at the right time and place. GeoSignage CMS maximizes the utility of an infotainment system, by offering easy location-based triggering, dynamic playback adaptation and a user-friendly, cost-effective administration.

GeoSignage CMS meets the needs of media companies, operators, public transport authorities and system suppliers within the area of infotainment, and makes it possible for several parties to create an effective communication channel together. This way, GeoSignage can contribute to increasing advertising revenue, passenger satisfaction, and ridership.

Skills and Features

Web Development

Software Development

Custom Software Development

Web Design

UI/UX DesignFrontendSwedenData Science