Exozet Berlin GmbH - IT Service Providers
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“We make millions of people smile.” That is our mission – and our motto when developing digital products and services for and with our clients. We rely on creative methods such as design sprints, ideation workshops, and an agile development process to create innovative solutions that inspire – now and in the future. We collaborate as a team with our clients and place our focus on the users – right from the start.

We started out in 1996. Today we are around 150 digital experts from around the world, all equipped with a ton of passion and innovative spirit to support our clients – from finding ideas to developing prototypes and finally to the finished solution. We live for mobile and immersive technologies, and we increasingly rely on virtual and augmented reality experiences as well as on mobile and NewTV applications. Likewise included amongst our long-standing expertise are complex web platforms and video management systems.

Our headquarters are in Berlin – situated in the former Tempelhof airport buildings while boasting a magnificent view of the former airfield. Further locations include Hamburg and Vienna.

We predominantly work for clients in the automotive, media, sports, and finance industries. Among those are well-known companies like Audi, the BBC, Deutsche Telekom, Freenet TV, and ZDF.

Skills and Features

IT Services

Software Development


E-Commerce Development



iOS App

eCommerceUI/UX DesignSEOGermanySEM