DigitalXNode - IT Service Providers
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DigitalXnode offers focused and precise recruitment services for professionals at all levels in IT, Telecom & Finance sectors. We offer Clients with potential employees having Commitment, Communication and Conviction in their Knowledge, Problem Solving Skills, Cross-Functional Management, and much another assessment parameter to ensure the best fit for the proposed profile

DigitalXnode unique differentiation is “NOTHING BUT” experienced Industry Veterans in IT, Telecom and Finance sector who act as RECRUITERS and are heavily involved during the screening of best suited potential candidate for you.

DigitalXnode Unique KAP mechanism enables Job Seeker to submit the resume for the professional carrier in a few minutes. Recruiters act as team member and enable Companies / Employer to use different integrated services offered by DigitalXnode to reduce the hiring time frame

DigitalXnode recruiters use Industry experience to quickly map Job Description with Job Seekers Profile while adhering to KAP Processes to reduces any delay or misfires in Joining Time.

ResumeBell offers Full-Time/Permanent, Part-Time (Temporary), Contract position based Job Opportunities to Job Seekers across Indian and International Geographies.

The add-on benefits of choosing us are not limited to only recruitment but are coupled with multiple services of DigitalXnode which makes ResumeBell a perfect “Digital Transition with ease of Knowledge Transfer”.

Skills and Features

iOS App

Web Development



E-Commerce Development

Mobile App Development





React Native

Asp.NetCRMIndiaERPeCommerceUI/UX DesignIoT