Compricer AB - IT Service Providers
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Compricer was started in 2005 to help you find better deals for your personal finances. We simply thought that there were too few good comparison services that could help you with insurance, electricity contracts, banking services, and broadband providers.

We have over 500,000 unique visitors each month and over 15,000 people exchange electricity, insurance or private loans every month with us.

We compare services from over 350 companies, both the giants and the pitchers. Compricer is completely free of charge for you as a consumer, instead, we get paid from the companies you choose to buy services from. We have no connection with any individual bank, telecom operator or insurance company.

Skills and Features

IT Services


Web Design

UI/UX DesignFrontendSweden
08 - 5000 2000
Count Viewed: 32187